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Calculate your affordable financing options for HVAC and water heating products on Create Rental Solutions' Payment Calculator!

Create Rental Solutions Finance Calculator


We're a Contractor-First finance and rental partner that values connecting people before profit.


Our mission is to empower everyone involved—builder, contractor, and home owner—to have access to the best rental and purchasing options, and the freedom to make the choice that's right for them.


With us, you don't have to worry about the little things.


We handle the paperwork and people so you can focus on running your business.


Your straight-forward financing solution with 60, 144, or 180  month terms. We've made it dead simple for contractors to offer residential financing programs to their clients.

Residential Rental Programs

Residential Retrofit and new construction rental programs that include full breakdown protection.

Commercial Rental Programs

Added hands-on support in deal structuring, identifying business needs and managing expectations, with flexible 60, 84, or 120 month terms.

Maintenance Programs

Established infrastructure for contractors to take advantage of, participate in, and sell to homeowners on the spot. We receive service tickets and you perform the work.



We work with the homeowner, the builder, and the contractor to ensure that the right financial solution is chosen and that all parties are satisfied.

Contractor Focus.

Built by contractors, for contractors, our program empowers you to install your own equipment, maintain complete ownership of your customer relationships, and compete effectively with larger rental companies. With Create you gain a partner focused solely on supporting your business and not competing against you.

Simple Process.

From paperwork to equipment selection, Create works with the builder, contactor and homeowner to make the process quick and easy.


We help your team to become more efficient and to focus on what truly matters for your business.


We  make a point of meeting every contractor and builder in our network face-to-face. 


So you can shoot us an email, but we're going to email you back asking to set up a phone call.

So give us a call below!



Join Create Rental Solutions President, Roy Levy, in a discussion about our process with contractors and home builders.

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